This document covers the creation and sending of text messages, e-mails, and survey communications to your members.

From the navigation panel, under Membership > Communicate, click on Communications.

Select the Add (+) button.

Creating a Text Message

From the Add Communication Screen

  • Select Organization
  • Give it a Title
  • Select a Distribution List
  • Select Text Message option in Channel/Content
  • Select the Save button.

Once Saved, your Text Message will be saved in a Draft status and will open to a full-page.

Navigate to the Content Tab.

You can enter your message in the SMS Message box. It is best practice to keep the message brief.

When your message is complete, select the Save button to save this message.

Once your message has been created and saved you can move to the Recipients tab.

The list of recipients is based on the Distribution List you have selected. If there is a member you wish to exclude from this communication, check the box for the member under the Exclude column.

You can also add recipients not already included in your recipient's list by entering a mobile # in the text box and selecting the Add Recipients button. The recipient added must be a person in the Roster.

Once you have all your recipients for your message you are now ready to send.

Send Test

You can send a sample of your communication to yourself before distributing to your membership.

After selecting Send Test you will be notified that the test communication is being sent.

You will then receive a sample of your communication sent to your mobile phone.


If you need to send the text message on a specific date/time in the future, you can choose the Schedule icon. ENGAGE will automatically send the text based on the date and time specified.

** Please Note that scheduled communications will be sent out in 15-minute intervals. This means that if you schedule a communication to get sent out at 3:50 PM it will send out at 4:00 PM.


When you are satisfied with your communication select Send to immediately send to your Distribution List.

Creating an E-Mail

From the Add Communication Page

• Select Organization.

• Give it a Title.

• Select a Distribution List.

• Select E-mail option in Channel/Content

• Select the Save button.

By default, Primary E-Mail will be selected but you have the option to send to a Secondary E-Mail.

On the Details tab, you can select a Sender E-mail List to choose as your FROM e-mail address. You also have the option to customize how the sending name is displayed in your e-mail in the Sender Display Name field. If any changes are made to these fields, select the Save button to save your changes.

All replies to communication will be received by creator of communication.

Navigate to the Content Tab.

Create a basic formatted e-mail like the following:

Greetings Member!

This is just a reminder that your monthly dues will be increasing by $5 at the beginning of the year. If we receive additional funding, to offset the increase, we will let you know via e-mail no later than 30 days before the increase goes into effect.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

In solidarity,

Union Treasurer

If you have a template defined, that you’d like to use, you can select that here instead. You would then add your text and additional items, like links or pictures, to the appropriate places within the template.

Note: Many e-mail providers will consider certain attached documents as potential spam, potentially affecting the delivery rate of e-mails. Therefore, best practice is to create a link to a document instead of attaching the document.

Once you have your template or message ready, select the Save button to save your changes and navigate to the Recipients tab.

The list of recipients is based on the Distribution List you have selected. If there is a member you wish to exclude from this communication, check the box for the member under the EXCLUDE column.

You can also add recipients, not already included in your recipient list, by entering the e-mail of the additional recipient in the text box and selecting the Add Recipients button. The added recipient must exist in your Roster.

Once you have all your recipients for your message you are now ready to send.

You have a few options when sending your e-mail.

Send Test

You can send a sample of your e-mail to yourself before distributing it to your membership.

After selecting SEND TEST you will be notified that the test communication is being sent.

You will then receive a sample of your communication sent to the e-mail address you are logged into ENGAGE with.


If you need to send the communication on a specific date/time in the future, you can choose the Schedule icon. ENGAGE will automatically send communications at date/time set.

** Please Note that scheduled communications will be sent out in 15-minute intervals. This means that if you schedule a communication to get sent out at 3:50 PM it will send out at 4:00 PM.


When you are satisfied with your communication select SEND to immediately send to your Distribution List.

Creating a Survey (Text Survey and E-Mail Survey)

Navigate to Membership > Communicate > Survey Builder

On the Survey Builder page, select the + (Add) button.

**Please Note - This survey system (including anonymous surveys) is NOT intended to be used for official Union votes or elections. ENGAGE does not meet the election requirements outlined by the NLRB or DOL.

In the New Survey page, in the Details section, please read and select the appropriate check boxes that will apply to the survey. Also, be sure to give the survey a good name or description.

Customized selections include:

• Sending the survey to all members or only those with active ENGAGE accounts (login required).

• Making the survey anonymous (every answer will be anonymous and not identifiable to the member).

On the same page, click the edit icon (pencil) button to start creating the question-and-answer structure of your survey.

You can build questions on top of questions by clicking on the Add Question button in bottom left. 

Please take note of the different Data Types and Options as you create your survey. Also, you can make the question “Required” for your member to move to next question.

Questions can be reordered by clicking and dragging via the “hamburger” icon to the left of each question.

Once you have added all your questions,  click the Save button. You also can Reset the survey to 

start over, if you wish.

After a survey has been created, you will need to distribute the survey in Communications.  This 

can be done via the Distribute button, which will take you to the Communications page, or by going 

directly to the Communications page.

From the navigation panel, under Membership > Communicate, click on “Communications”.

Select the + on the top right to add a new Communication.

  • Select  your Organization.
  • Create a descriptive title for your Survey.
  • Choose a Distribution List to send to.
  • Select Channel/Content
  • Survey (Primary: Text; Secondary; E-mail) - ENGAGE will first attempt to send a survey via Text 
  • Message, provided a number is listed under Mobile Phone # field in a Member’s record. If no number is listed under this field, ENGAGE will send an E-mail communication with a link to the survey. You can review this information in the Recipients section of your communication under Target Identifier.
  •  E-mail Survey – We recommend using E-mail Survey if sending out surveys with numerous questions.